The camps are free of charge. They are normally held during the first two months of each year. However, all student athletes are required to sign our Drug Free Pledge Banner. All of our camps are advertised as Drug Free Pledge events. For example the titled might be called “Speed and Agility Drug Free Pledge Camp” and/or Youth Football Skills Drug Free Pledge Camp. Once the student athletes have signed the pledge once, they do not have to continue to sign it at each camp. Other camp requirements are as follows:

- Drug Free Pledge banner on display at the camps
- Camp Insurance
- Medical personnel at the camps (trainers) to include a first aid kit
- All participants must register online and check in at the registration table
- Athletes must have unlimited access to water during camps
- Coaches should have a basic level of first aid knowledge in order to identify potential hazards
- Hard Hat with our logo for the kids to touch at the conclusion of the warm up lap.
- See coaches manual for more details on how the actually camps are designed